It’s that time of year again when the sea of pink ribbons floods my mind with memories of my cancer journey. So, I thought I’d share a story that will hopefully be helpful to anyone about to embark on the journey that no one ever wants to take.
I’ve always believed in finding joy, even when life throws a curveball or two. So, when my doctor mentioned that I'd be losing my hair during chemo, I simply shrugged it off and went on with my day, as if nothing was different.
But, after the third treatment, reality set in. I was shedding like a Golden Retriever in summer, and it was clear—my long brunette locks were about to make an exit. Time to embrace the inevitable: a trip to the wig shop was in order.
Walking into that shop, I wasn’t sure what to expect. In my mindset of “nothing-is-wrong-here,” I naturally gravitated toward a wig that matched my long, brunette hair. It was stunning, sure, but shockingly expensive. Still, I pulled out my trusty AmEx and ordered it right then and there.
While I was settling-up, a wig across the shop caught my eye—sassy, blonde, and wavy. It had a certain sparkle. For a moment, I thought, “Why not? Life’s changing, why shouldn’t I change, too?” So, I asked the clerk to let me try it on.
When she placed it on my head, it was love at first sight. That blonde wig—let’s call her “Krissy,” after the nickname my mom always used—was more than a hairpiece. She was a partner in crime, bringing just the right touch of sass, joy, and a whole lot of fun. We connected instantly, and I giggled like a kid.
Krissy stuck with me through the thick of it—28 weeks of chemo and beyond, as my hair slowly grew back in. She was hot and scratchy at times, but she was my trusty sidekick through it all. Life handed me lemons, and I went blonde. And you know what? It turned out to be one of the best decisions.
Two years later, with Krissy neatly tucked away in the hall closet, I now have my own beautiful blonde locks. I'm grateful that Krissy helped me cope through that time.
My advice to anyone going through cancer and struggling with thoughts of losing their hair is to approach it as an adventure. When life hands you lemons, go blonde!