It’s nearing the end of January and there are two things on my mind. My oldest son Owen’s birthday and Valentine’s Day. Owen’s birthday always makes me nostalgic thinking about how he was nearly born in my compact Chevy in the middle of the night. It was the coldest day of the year and the only thing keeping him from making an emergency entrance was my intense focus on the dark sky, full moon and Van Morrison sweetly singing Moon Dance. I made it to the hospital with 15 minutes to spare. I refused to believe during a day’s worth of what I now know as contractions, my little guy would interrupt my schedule and arrive three weeks prior to his due date. Yet, the moment I saw his tiny face and bright green eyes, he cast a spell on me, and the concept of true love changed forever.
Love comes in many forms. For many, we forget this during Valentine’s season. The time of year where commercialization of love can be deeply depressing to those who are single, living in an unfulfilled relationship, habitual givers, or hopeless romantics. Don’t get me wrong. I love, love. There is nothing more beautiful than a romantic dinner, thoughtful conversion, connection, and true intimacy with someone for whom you care deeply. Yet, with the bombardment of commercialized love, I cannot help to idealize such a fantasy through poor self medication choices such as reading ee cummings and Jane Austen. it’s an unrealistic dream, but one I strove to achieve so long as I can remember. Gratefully, through life experience, I’ve come to accept the difference between love’s fiction and reality and have focused on searching for ways to love myself first before seeking love from others.
Love isn’t about one day in February or dedicated to couples. Love is seeking the beauty in all things around you: a pet, smile from a stranger, sound of laughter, a hobby, smell of cut grass, the sunset.
Most of all, true love comes from within you. Love yourself first and I promise the signs of true love will be revealed. Don’t let anyone fool you! There is a secret potion for love. You are love.
Here’s a toast2u: Remember to celebrate yourself this Valentine’s Day!